Working with a prosthodontist should be a positive and fun experience - at least I believe that should be the case.
I enjoy working with other dentists, listening to their stories, and seeing how they approach the art and science of dentistry. We each have special interests, skills, and unique experiences that are worth sharing. We all have a great deal of pride in what we are doing, and our patient's best interests at heart. Let’s work together to deliver the best possible results.
Prosthodontics is a passion for me, and developing and carrying out interdisciplinary treatment plans is something that I find very rewarding. I'd like to give you an overview of the range of services that I can provide to help you become more successful in your practice. Give me a call and I'll stop by your office.
Whether you are interested in managing a case together, want to obtain a second opinion or assistance with developing treatment options, or would like to organize a case study group, please feel free to contact me directly by phone or email.
You can also use the on-line referral form to provide a quick snapshot of a particular case and, if you so choose, I will call you to discuss the details.
Click Here To Open The On-Line Patient Referral Form